Losing You


There is nothing I could do in my lonesome
There is nothing I could say making awesome
I stay numb behind the pink shower curtain
Wait for the beautiful tragic killing curtains

It must be lie if I were have a dream in my pillow
I used to loved you and never leave you anyhow
Baby, I would like to look forward to you
Baby, I won’t through this part without you

I don’t want to pain the dark and sorrow
It’s like the cancer which is gnaw and grow
I was damned for all these kinds of curses
I have to take a shit away from all nurses

Hell, Yeah! I ain’t the scandal of those cases
We don’t even know how this life become tragedies
Whole being of my fucking mind has been focused
For something worth that I have already lose

I realized indeed you were not here any longer
Whereas I convinced, hence I got the best of the stronger
For one the unloved, we have to learn how to love
For one the forgotten, we have to learn how to forgive

(Gigie;22Nop’09 @ 17:00)

Always with the greatest love for all..


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